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The Signs That It Might Be Time To Fire A Client and How to Handle The Situation
Hattori Hanzo Shears

The Signs That It Might Be Time To Fire A Client and How to Handle The Situation

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As a hair professional, you provide services to clients that can easily allow the customer to feel like they are in control. Letting a client take advantage of you can be a very slippery slope because it not only hurts your self-respect, but it allows other clients to do the same thing to you. To be a successful hair professional, two of the most essential values are confidence and self-respect. Just because someone books an appointment with you or sits down in your chair does not mean you have to do their hair. You are an empowered professional that deserves respect, and your craft is more valuable than you may realize. Clients often take advantage of hair professionals; here are the signs to look out for and handle firing a client.

No-Shows or Shows Up Late Frequently

There is nothing more aggravating as a self-employed professional to have a no-show or have someone show up 30 minutes late, especially if they have done it more than once. Your time is so valuable, and when customers show up late or not at all, it is blatant disrespect and not acceptable. No matter who that client is, if they are doing this to you, they are not resecting you, which is not ok. If you have a customer who does this regularly, it may be time to cut ties!

Customers Who Are Never Satisfied

We all know a customer like this; they are never delighted with their hair and leave you feeling confused and defeated. Customers like this will likely never be satisfied with their hair. No matter who does their hair they wont like it, and it is not fair to the hair professional who puts their hard work into creating beautiful hair for the client. If you have a customer constantly making remarks about being unhappy, it’s time for them to move on!

Clients That Complain About Price or Price Increases

As a professional hairstylist or barber, you possess skills that no average joe has. You have trained to be where you are, and depending on your continuing education and experience. You have put tireless hours toward perfecting your craft. If clients cannot recognize that and respect you, they may need to find a new person to do their hair. Here’s the thing: prices will go up everywhere in every aspect of life, so your profession is no different. You have to charge what you are worth and hold to yourself. It is one thing for a client to ask you to explain the price increase or total cost, but if a client continues to give you a hard time and question your skills after that, they are being disrespectful, which is absolutely not ok.

How To Fire A Client Respectfully

If your client is doing one of these things or maybe all three it’s time to cut ties! Being fired from anything in life is not a great feeling and causes unnecessary tension and bad feelings if not handled properly. When firing a client, You should do it respectfully and calmly. Saying something like this is a great way to deliver the message, “I am so sorry , I am no longer able to accommodate you in my schedule but I am happy to recommend you to another hair professional, salon or barbershop.” If the customer keeps digging for reasons why remember you don’t owe them anything, you can respectfully say, “I am sorry , at this time I am not able to do your hair” You do not have to go in-depth with them.

Your value is higher than you may realize. You have to be confident in your professionalism and your ability to do hair. Confidence will radiate through you to clients. If you don’t believe in yourself, your clients will be able to see that and will be able to take advantage of you. If you are confident in your skills and who you are, that will project to your clients, and they will respect you more. Maybe  you are struggling with confidence and self-respect, getting an amazing mentor can help you gain confidence. Additionally, taking classes and educating yourself more in your craft will build confidence.

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