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Creative Ways To Make More Money In A Hair Salon: How To Increase Your Income and Make More Money
Hattori Hanzo Shears

Creative Ways To Make More Money In A Hair Salon: How To Increase Your Income and Make More Money

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Making more money is something that most people are interested in at some point. As a stylist, 2020 may have hit your wallet like most salons. With these tips, you could increase your salon income and make up for the losses of 2020. There are plenty of great ideas out there to build your career and increase income! Keep reading to learn about a few of our favorite things for all of you in a salon.

Get Better At Time Management In The Salon

Do some research to find out when the salon is the busiest and when you are the slowest. Concentrate your work schedule to fit in as many salon appointments as possible on your busy day to keep your income high. Surprisingly most stylists don’t like to work Sundays and Mondays. Those could both be good days in a salon. The key is to work smarter, not harder, in your salon business. You could do some quick services between processing times are glazes at the back bar, and you could even squeeze in a quick blowout. Remind your clients that they can come into the salon two weeks after their appointment for a quick glaze to refresh their color. Make the most out of your working hours in the beauty salon to grow your salon business.

Make The Most Of Your Social Media Content

Instagram is the best tool today when it comes to marketing your salon business. Check out our blog on Social Media Tips to grow your business. You will have to do your part and engage in the process. The content on your profile is important. Having a clean, professional page will make new clients more attracted to book with you. Being on social media is a must to be successful and grow your salon business. Most clients will turn to your social media first before they book with you to check out your work and get a better look at your beauty salon and style. Your salon content should reflect your best work and overall style. If you have a modern salon, your social media page should reflect that modern salon vibe.

Pay Yourself More

If you need a sign, here it is, it’s time to raise your salon prices today. What better time than now, a new year, to raise your salon prices. Inflation is a real thing, and you must take care of yourself as well. If you took time last year to invest in elite continuing education, capitalize on that. Make a new salon price sheet, share it on your social media, and post it in your salon or at your station. Your work and time are valuable; you deserve to make more money. Give yourself that raise!!

Spice Up Your Salon Display

Salon retail sales could increase your income significantly! First, make some changes to your salon display to catch your customers’ eyes when they walk in the door. Simply add some new products to your retail collection to gain interest. A fresh new salon retail display is going to get your clients excited about the products and more apt to buy! Salon retail sales = more money in your pockets.

Strategize Salon Retail Sales

Now that you have made changes to your salon display, get those products moving with strategizing. Dig into your inner salesperson and get to work. There are plenty of great strategies out there,, but this one is known to work. It’s called the 3 for 1 rule. Here are the steps:

-Pick three salon products that you know are going to work great for your client..

-Hand those products to your client one at a time

-Explain to your client WHY, HOW, and WHEN to use the products

-Carry the products to the salon checkout area and put them where they can see them.

Get Salon Retail In Your Clients Hands and Hair

Letting your clients hold, touch, and smell the salon products you are using and recommending is going to give them a sense of ownership. Put a dime-size amount of product in your client’s palms and share with them how to apply it to their hair. If you want to recommend a spray or dry shampoo, let your client hold the bottle and educate them on using the product. You will be surprised how much of a difference this could make. Have fun with it and make it an educational yet joyful experience for your clients in the salon.

Do A Salon Loyalty Program For Your Clients

Salon referral programs and customer loyalty programs could increase your clientele while not costing you an extraordinary amount of money on advertising or marketing. Your clients are your biggest advocates and free advertisement for you. Salon client referral cards are very inexpensive and are going to bring more new clients to your chair. Here are some examples of loyalty programs to try.

-Client stamp card, each time your customer comes into the salon,, they get a stamp. If they come in six times, their seventh appointment can have two bonus hair treatments for free.

-Client referral cards, for every six referrals your client brings you, they get a $50 gift card or free blowout.

-Gift with the third salon visit

Referrals and Reviews

Have your clients share your social media accounts with their friends so they can see your work. If your clients share reviews about you online, you could give them an incentive as well. You could get creative with this and find what fits best for you. Your clients will like that you include them in your custom program. Reviews are a huge part of success; having great reviews on yelp or google will make a new customer feel confident in choosing you and will increase traffic in your beauty salon in no time.

Add On Quick Beauty Salon Services With A Price Tag

Adding on quick beauty salon services will increase your client’s overall price which, in turn, could add money to your income. You could do so many different small salon treatments at the shampoo bowl to increase the service’s price like hair treatments or glazes. Offer your clients an eyebrow waxing service or a nourishing deep conditioning mask. Add some new services to your menu. These short salon treatments could add up and generate more income.

Pre Book Salon Appointments

Pre Booking beauty salon appointments is key to building your business and growing your income. Having an organized salon appointment book will make it easy for you to fill your days with appointments and not waste your time. If you haven’t already, get an online booking system for easy salon appointment management and get your clients pre-booking their appointments.  Pre Booking appointments will guarantee that your clients return to see you.

Step Up Your Marketing

Use the social media we have today to your advantage. You could increase your beauty salon clientele significantly with the right salon marketing strategy and advertisements. If you are unsure about getting started with marketing, set some time aside, and check out Fully Booked Chair. It’s a program designed specifically for stylists and barbers to improve their business and get more clients in their salon chairs. Marketing on social media is a must these days.

Written By: Catie Delahanty

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