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Hair Stylist Confidence; Tips On How To Be A Confident Hair Stylist
Hattori Hanzo Shears

Hair Stylist Confidence; Tips On How To Be A Confident Hair Stylist

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Confidence is a significant factor when it comes to the beauty industry. When a hairstylist radiates confidence, their overall success in their career is likely to increase and continue to grow. Often, confidence stems from experience, but highly experienced hair stylists sometimes lack confidence because of other factors. Clients can feel when you are confident, and it makes them feel more at ease as well. If you feel like you are struggling with your confidence or are green out of school, following some tips can help you grow your confidence and help you be a better stylist all around.

Take Stylist Continuing Education

Continuing education is the most critical thing you can engage in as a stylist. Our industry is forever changing, so keeping up with trends is essential. Taking these classes will also, in turn, boost your confidence. The more you learn, the more confident you will be. Don’t just stop at technical courses; take classes based on growing your business and social media platforms. The more classes you can take, the better you will portray confidence.

Find A Fellow HairStylist Mentor

Finding a mentor can be a great way to build confidence. Find a fellow stylist or barber that you aspire to be like in your area. Asking this person to be your mentor will allow you to learn from them and grow. A mentor can give you advice, they can teach you new skills, and they may even let you take care of their overflow customers. Your mentor should be successful in their beauty career and has been in the game for several years. The more knowledge and experience, the better.

Invest In Your Beauty Career

Investing in yourself and your career can be scary, but it’s a significant step in the right direction of believing in yourself and growing your confidence. When you invest in yourself, it gives you a little bit more self-worth. Investing in yourself can be buying a new wardrobe for work or buying some excellent new shears to help you through your beauty career; purchasing something that will help your job will benefit your confidence and success.

Practice On Hair At Home To Build Confidence

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the more confident you will become. There are two ways about this: you can go, practice with your friends and family, or practice on a mannequin head. If you are going to purchase a mannequin head, make sure to get one with long hair so that you can practice many different techniques, from long layers up to short pixie cuts. By putting in work and practice, you will become more confident behind the chair.

Pamper Yourself

Frequently hair professionals forget to pamper themselves and get their hair done. Usually, what happens is you go in on a Sunday, and you and your co-worker do each other’s hair in your spare time, or you may even do it yourself at home. Break this cycle, go to a salon, and get your hair done, even if it’s just a blowout. Experience other salon’s pampering and learn from them while you are there. Ask questions and observe. You may pick up on something new that you can implement into your day-to-day practices. Getting your hair done will make you feel confident and may even result in some knowledge that will help your confidence as well!

Confidence doesn’t come easy for all. Some people have to work hard to become the confident stylist they deserve to be. You are not alone in feeling weary behind the chair. There are plenty of other stylists out there who feel the same way. By taking these tips and applying them to your career, you will build your confidence and become a pro in no time!

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