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Hair Stylist Training; The Benefits Of Taking A Hands-On Training Course
Hattori Hanzo Shears

Hair Stylist Training; The Benefits Of Taking A Hands-On Training Course

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Education is the backbone of the hair industry. The more you learn, the more your success will grow. The fantastic thing about education in the industry is that there are so many different hair training classes to choose from and many ways to take hair training. There are other ways to take hair training classes. You can take them virtually, in person, and hands-on. Virtual hair stylist training courses are the most “hands off”. Virtual classes are done on a computer through the internet. In-person training is generally done in a class-like setting. In person classes include watching an artist perform a haircut and taking notes on tips and tricks they have to share about hair. Hands-on training courses are where you perform the skill on hair. In Hands on classes you are learning with an educator to help you through it. The Educator teaches you their hair styling methods. Hands-on training is super beneficial for a hairstylist to learn a new skill. These classes are very in-depth on the education side of things. There are many benefits of taking in-person training, but these are the most prominent.

Smaller Class Size

Most times, a hands-on class will be smaller in size. They are smaller because of the interaction the artist needs to have. The artists needs access to each hairstylist. Smaller attendance allows the artist to spend more one-on-one time with each person. It also allows the educator to give detailed feedback to the hairstylist. It also allows time for questions and individual instruction. Smaller class size is beneficial for a hairstylist because you will have more attention from the artist.  The stylist will also be able to perfect the skill with the artist there by your side.

Detailed Hairstylist Training

The detailed training you will receive from the artist is invaluable. You won’t have to watch something and try to copy it at home. You will learn and be able to perform the skill right then and there. More detailed training is valuable when learning something brand new or something you are currently struggling with within your daily job. The thorough training is one of the best parts of doing a hands-on course.

Physical Instruction

The physical training you receive in hands-on hair stylist training is fantastic. When watching an artist perform a new skill, it is sometimes hard to nail how they are holding the hair and which hand positions they are using. When you take a hands-on class, the artist will be able to come over and physically help you hold the hair or your tools the proper way. Correctly handling the tools can make or break the new skill you are learning in some circumstances, and having the artist physically help you will allow you to grasp the skill and concept.

Practicing On Real Hair

Most times, with hands-on training, you will either use a live model or use a mannequin head. Either way, you are practicing on real hair and seeing the results with your own eyes. Practicing real hair makes it easier to learn the new skill you want to accomplish and see it with your own eyes. Whether it be training on styling hair or cutting hair, getting your hands in the hair and performing the skill will allow you to learn more and understand how to perform the skill you are learning.

Continuing Education Hours

Not all classes you take will include continuing education hours, but some will, and continuing education hours are required in most states to renew your cosmetology license. Taking a hands-on course that provides continuing education hours will benefit you, your career, and your cosmetology license.

Education is vital in the hair industry, but hands-on education is highly informative and helpful. Taking the extra step to take a hands-on class can be highly beneficial and considered when learning a new skill. A hands-on course isn’t necessary for every class you take but investing a little extra money to get that one-on-one attention is beneficial and highly advised from time to time. If you are interested in hosting a hands-on class, please reach out to our education team to get something set up with one of our amazing artists!

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