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Celebrating Women’s History Month With Hanzo Nation Featuring : Kaitrin Ryanne
Hattori Hanzo Shears

Celebrating Women’s History Month With Hanzo Nation Featuring : Kaitrin Ryanne

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Kaitrin started in the beauty industry after obtaining her business degree from Dartmouth. She always knew she wanted to open a salon one day. After years of hard work and dedication, she has opened a salon suite. Kaitrin loves to travel and explore. Her grandma taught her from a young age how to become a strong independent woman. Kaitrin is one of our outstanding Hanzo Educators; She joined our artist team two years ago. Her classes are filled with knowledge and unique skills. We sat down with Kaitrin to talk about her life and some advice she has for our readers.

Who are your favorite women in history, women who inspire/empower you?

My favorite woman in history that inspires me is my Nana. Born in 1918, she was way before her time. My Nana was a Sargent in the Marines during WWII with multiple marksmanship awards. She lived life how she wanted to, no matter what the social or gender role was. She traveled cross country alone after the service and frequented Red Sox games at Fenway Park as an avid fan. “I was asked why are you doing that? That is for boys. And I told them I like it so I will do it!” She lived her life for herself, not marrying until she was 30, which was unheard of back then. I see so much of myself in her. I get my passion for travel,  love of the RedSox, and drive to accomplish anything a man can do because I am just as capable as her.

Can you tell us a little bit about your professional journey?

I always knew I wanted to work with hair; however, I chose to go to college first at UMASS Dartmouth to get a business degree to open a salon one day. I knew after the first year it was not for me, but I finished three years before I decided to leave. I went to cosmetology school at 21, and for the first time, school made sense. The first time I did well and paid attention, it just clicked for me, as silly as that sounds. My first job was at Supercuts cutting primarily men’s hair. I saw that as a turning point; I was not receiving that education in school and could have quit before I started, but I chose to take the job to learn more. After a year, I worked my way up to the prestigious Newbury St, where high-end salons are. They asked me to take a step back and assist, and while it was a blow to my ego, I saw the value in what I could learn. After three months of training with International artists, they asked me to be on the floor, and not long after, they asked me to teach a men’s cutting class. Me? The girl that cried cutting men’s hair a year prior is now teaching people that have been in the industry 20+ years. If I were not doing hair, I would be a teacher. I have patience for few things, teaching people things and children, the two things people don’t have patience for. From there, I worked at Floyds Barbershop for 10years on their National Education Team for four years. Most recently traveling with them to Rotterdam, Netherlands training with the creators of Reuzel, Rob the Bloody Butcher, and Leen, and will be joining their Scumbassador team. I have been with Hanzo for two years. Never in my career have I been surrounded by such an encouraging, supportive, inspiring group of talented weirdos that I am so incredibly thankful for!!

What is one obstacle you have experienced during your career journey and how did you overcome it?

Many people don’t know about me the amount of anxiety I have speaking in front of people and flying. The two things that are the pathway to one of my greatest passions, traveling and teaching. While I may carry it well on the outside or Social media, it has been a journey filled with many tears and sweaty palms. I was not willing to let my fear stand in the way of my dreams. While I would much rather be on a karaoke stage than be speaking in front of people and watching their eye contact. I have made myself comfortable with it to reach my goals. I may have preflight rituals; I may cry silent tears over turbulence; a few of you may have even gotten phone calls from me in an airport where I declared I was not getting on the flight, but I always do. I face that fear in both instances because the result is far more rewarding than any anxiety I may have.

What has been your biggest career achievement?

Some of my most significant career achievements came in a year that felt like nothing good was happening. In 2020 I was either crazy or crazy enough to believe in myself and open my salon suite in a pandemic. I was riding high from doing Hanzo zoom classes that networked me throughout the company and had people I never thought would know my name reaching out. It saved me! Doing those classes gave me purpose each day, gave me sanity, and brought some of the best humans into my life that I wouldn’t have made it through 2020 without. Becoming part of the most inspiring, supportive, and encouraging team I have ever been on has been such an honor. With that confidence, support, and friendship, The support guided me to become my own boss. Each is equally as valuable, and I could not have done it without the other.

How do you balance your work and personal life?

While hair and education are my passion, it isn’t the only thing that makes me who I am. Over the past five years, my dreams have adapted to my newfound work-life balance. I have the travel bug; thanks to my Nana, I take off to Europe for two weeks and live the European “holiday” schedule twice a year. I jump around to different cities and countries, sometimes alone, sometimes with a friend; this is my reset, my escape, where I can let go, embrace new cultures, meet new people or eat tzatziki on the beach in grease. It allows me to decompress. When I come back home, I and fresh and full of new adventures to talk about. My Nana always told me you can’t take it with you; you can travel as far as you can as long as you can.

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